“I can do all things through Christ who strengthen me.”

~ Phillipians 4:13

Establishment of EBCC Mumbai

Since the year 2010, with the growth of its members living in Mumbai for education and employment, the Evangelical Baptist Convention (EBC) leadership has been desirous of establishing its Church in Mumbai for the purpose of looking after its members. After many consultations, formally as well as informally, and prayers, the EBC leadership has decided to establish Evangelical Baptist Convention, Church (EBCC) in Mumbai in 2015. After prior intimation to the Mumbai Zomi Christian Fellowship (MZCF) leadership (the EBC members living in Mumbai were members of the MZCF), the erstwhile Director (Missions), Rev. L. Khamkholun and Divisional Superintendant (Lamka North), Rev. Paukhanmang Guite came to Mumbai on 13 March, 2015. On 14 March, 2015, EBCC, Mumbai was inaugurated by Rev. L. Khamkholun at Chapel, First Floor, Methodist Centre, Mumbai Central, in the presence of its members and some members from the MZCF as well as Kuki Worship Service (KWS), Mumbai. The following members were nominated as first Executive Committee Members of EBCC, Mumbai:

The newly nominated Executive Committee Members were commissioned by Rev. Paukhanmang Guite. There were also short speeches from the MZCF Chairman Thangzamuan Hauzel and KWS, Mumbai Adviser, D.P.Haokip, IRS.

On 15 March, 2015, the two leaders from EBC Headquarters attended the MZCF Worship Service and Rev. L. Khamkholun delivered the gospel message. After the worship service, there was a joint meeting of the MZCF Committee members and the newly formed EBCC Executive Committee Members along with the two EBC leaders. On behalf the EBC leadership, Rev. L. Khamkholun thanked the MZCF leadership for looking after the EBC members for the last 22 years and explained the intention of establishment of EBCC in Mumbai, which is not against any Fellowship/Church but rather looking after its members in its evangelical faith and doctrine.

The Pastor

In the month of April, 2015 Pastor M Thangkhenmung Guite, was appointed as the first Pastor of EBCC, Mumbai and Pastor Quarter cum Church office was rented at A22, Palm Villa Building, Kolivery Village, Kalina, Santacruz (East), Mumbai – 400098

Worship Service and its activities

The First Worship Service of the EBCC was held at Melville Hall, YMCA, Mumbai Central on 12 July, 2015. Pastor M Thangkhenmung Guite delivered a Gospel Message and Holy Communion was also administered by him. The regular Worship Service of the EBCC, Mumbai is being held from 19 July, 2015 till date at “The Parish Hall”, Robinson Memorial Methodist Church, Byculla, Mumbai.

In December, 2015, the EBCC Mumbai was recognised and accepted by the EBC leadership as its member church in its Annual Assembly (Kumsim Khawmpilian) held at Centenary Hall, New Lamka, Manipur.

Today, the EBCC, Mumbai holds regular worship service and sunday school for the children every Sunday and also Monday Worship Service every month at The Hindustani Covenant Church, Dadar / Alliance Church, Vashi Navi Mumbai. The Church, now, is fully functional under the leadership of the Tualsung Baptist Saptuam Upa Committee (TBSUC, also called Local Committee) and its Departments; Tualsung Baptist Missions Committee (TBMC), Tualsung Baptist Dorcas (Women) Fellowship (TBDF), Tualsung Baptist Youth Felloship (TBYF) and Tualsung Baptist Children Department (TBCD). The TBSUC along with the various departments of EBCC Mumbai have their own year-plans, budgets and various activities.
